Uwarunkowania rozwoju i perspektywy współpracy w dziedzinie logistyki w Białorusi

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Vasili Kulakou
Andrei Tsimayeu

Słowa kluczowe : logistyka, usługi transportowe, logistyka infrastruktury, indeksu efektywności logistyki
The research is devoted to the study of features of development and perspectives of cooperation in the field of logistics of the Republic of Belarus, the effectiveness of its functioning at the present stage, identifying the weakest areas and determining the priority directions of the development of industry. The paper gives the main characteristics of the sphere of transport services for certain modes of transport, indicating the advantages of using of transit through the territory of the country; analyzes the current state of the logistic infrastructure in the course of which the weakest areas are identified in accordance with the methodology for calculating of Logistic Performance Index; outlines the prospects for the development of logistics in the country, taking into account the current program for the development of industry for 2016–2020 and the country’s participation in the construction of the “Silk Road”.

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Jak cytować
Kulakou, V., & Tsimayeu, A. (2017). Uwarunkowania rozwoju i perspektywy współpracy w dziedzinie logistyki w Białorusi. Ekonomika I Organizacja Logistyki, 2(3), 49–60. https://doi.org/10.22630/EIOL.2017.2.3.25

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